Class: Biotech Fashion - Materials and Culture
School: South Brooklyn Community High School (Redhook, Brooklyn - New York)
Role: Curriculum development, Champion Instructor
This Spring 2022 class was part of a Biodesign Challenge X Pioneer Works initiative to bring science education to high schools underserved in the sciences.
Our goal was to inspire confidence in students with no science background to think critically and creatively about how each action in the production, consumption and enjoyment of fashion can be designed to be more sustainable, while aligning and expressing humanitarian values.
We covered the following topics and questions:
• trends in engineering and growing biomaterials
• materials - ethics, scalability, lifecycles and systems
• fashion as therapy + fashionable therapies
• fashion as protest
• fashion as identity and worldbuilding (cultural, self)
• politics of the body in fashion
South Brooklyn Community High School (SBCHS) is a public transfer high school offering students who are truant or have dropped out a second chance to earn a high school diploma.
SBCHS is a partnership between the NYCDOE and Good Shepherd Services, a youth development, education and family service agency.